Nope,I am not going to ask you to do any Zen meditation,nor am I talking about the novel by Anthony Burgess. This is something I saw on TV awhile back,it might have been on Millionaire though I can't say for sure,nor does it matter. This guy demonstrated how he could clap one handed,then went on to say that he was no where near the world record for being able to do it the fastest,nor could he do it with both hands. I tried it and didn't have any luck at first,then accidentally while doing something else I noticed that I was making a clapping noise with one hand. Are you with me so far? I decided I had to see if I was doing it right as enough time had passed from when I had seen it that I didn't remember if I was doing it right. You would not believe the number of people who can do this that are on You Tube demonstrating their skill,it is crazy! The way I do it is not the recognized way,but there are two schools of thought on that as well,and I of course belong to the second school where if you can make noise with only one hand,then you are clapping. I know,pretty weird but just another little something to add to my resume.
This is an example of how to clap the old fashioned way!
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