I keep finding more and more of my T-shirts with holes in the back,and I can't figure out what could be causing holes in the back. The one I am wearing today has a hole almost exactly dead center in the back,another has a series of holes in the lower left hand side,and there are a couple of others with just holes in random spots,again all in the back. I have tried to figure out what is causing these,it doesn't seem likely it could be from wear,or friction against anything as what would I have to be doing to get that kind of wear in the back of a shirt? I have no springs or wires in any spot that I would be snagging them on. I had a brain storm today and thought,maybe a bug is getting them the way moths eat wool,but then I couldn't think of any bug that ate cotton until I remembered the boll weevil,though I was pretty certain they didn't live in this area and also thought it didn't really eat the cotton and I was right. Boll weevils ate the buds and flowers of the cotton plant,plus they were eliminated in the 1990's. So I am back to square one...what the *##@ is causing these holes? Just for your amusement I have included a picture of the boll weevil. If anyone has an answer to this riddle please let me know,I think I have exhausted my ideas on the matter.

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