I'm not sure where I heard or read about the claim that airline food was bland as a result of dry cabin conditions and high altitude,but I thought it didn't make sense. A person cat eat under those same conditions on the ground without sacrificing flavor so why would it be different in flight? For those of you who were flying in the 70s you may recall that in flight food at that time was good,in fact sometimes the placemat on the tray was also a recipe for the entree. I have nothing but speculation to offer as to why the food quality has steadily declined over the years,but my guess is in their attempts to channel the profits directly to the CEOs the passenger/customer is once again cheated out of quality in the process. An interesting aside on airline foods is when the choice is made to pay for an airline meal/drink the price can be 2,600% more than supermarket prices. I don't know about the rest of you,but that seems like a really big markup for a small amount of handling.

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