Hah! I bet a large portion of you out there in readerland are thinking of scantily clad women serving food in a restaurant of the same name,nope tricked you again! Today the hooters in question are owls. In modern times owls symbolize wisdom,but that wasn't always the meaning connected to owls. In medieval times the owls was associated with doom and death,they were thought to be a guardians to the gates of hell. The owl featured in many works of Hieronymus Bosch,in the "Garden of Earthly Delights" a naked man is seen embracing an owl,representing mans fall from grace to embrace evil. The American Indian also held negative feelings for owls and believed them to be harbingers of death. The popular modern owl has a dreary past...try not to think about that next time you hear one!
Look to the left of the painting,just about the couple in the bubble is the man embracing the owl.
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