There is a lot more controversy over same sex marriages than the subject warrants. It isn't like they aren't the same species,and why should anyone else care if two "people" love each other? That brings me to today's topic,anyone heard of objectophilia? I think most people are guilty of declaring their love for a "thing" on occasion without actually meaning it in the sense of wanting a relationship with the item,but there are actually people that are in love with objects,even going as far as to marry the object,complete with a name change. A Swedish woman was devastated when her husband was beat to death in Berlin...her husband was the Berlin Wall. A German woman's beloved was executed in New York,the Twin Towers. A San Francisco woman married the Eiffel Tower,changing her name to La Tour Eiffel. In case you are thinking this is a strictly female inclination...a man fell for his first object when he was only 12 years old,a Hammond organ,but today is in a steady relationship with a steam locomotive. In conclusion,those of you who are against gay marriage may find more compassion for those people knowing that it's not that abnormal after all!

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