I was irate when I heard dogs were getting "tramp stamp" tattoos,I couldn't imagine any dog lover putting their beloved pet through the pain and discomfort for a decorative tattoo. In years past owners had ID numbers tattooed on their animals in case they were lost or stolen,but that procedure finally was replaced with microchips,a lot less pain and suffering for the pet. The real story behind the tramp stamps in question is not what I first imagined,instead it is amusing in a "what will people waste money on next?" kind of way. The temporary tats are actually glitter and non-toxic glue that take about 10 minutes to apply. The cost for the procedure is $100 and will last a month or until the first bath,whichever comes first. I doubt if they would be cost effective in a rainy climate unless your dog was either always under shelter or wore a wrap when out for a walk.
The new computer is up and running...I am far from in love with it and there are still several issues to work out,but who knows? I may grow fond of it in due time.

The new computer is up and running...I am far from in love with it and there are still several issues to work out,but who knows? I may grow fond of it in due time.
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