What is a Half Stein you ask? It is what I call a Holstein calf. Holsteins are interesting animals,they are very mellow,their color patterns (like fingerprints on people) are unique,they are the largest sized dairy breed,90% of the milk in the US comes from Holsteins and the average amount of milk produced each lactation period (around 305 days) is 2,674 gallons. Although the breed name sounds German (full name is Holstein Friesian) they were bred mainly in the Netherlands. Before we sold our dairy stock we had three Holsteins,the oldest one we called Sleepy,her daughter Cindy and Sally. They were all very sweet cows,unlike some of the other animals in the line-up. It must be the spring like weather that is making me reminisce about my childhood on the farm,but that is okay they are pleasant memories.

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