Considering the number of people who even own a clothes iron today I am surprised this extreme sport ever got off the ground. I also would have guessed incorrectly that it was proposed by a woman who was trying to get a man to do his own ironing,however EI (another name for extreme ironing) was started by a man in 1997 in England and is both an extreme sport and performance art. People take ironing boards to remote locations and iron articles of clothing. These locations have included mountainsides,forests,canoes,skiing,on top of statues,the middle of the streets,underwater* and parachuting. There is also a breakaway group called Urban Housework who vacuum in various outdoor locations (these people are welcome to do my vacuuming!).
*Ironing underwater seems to go against the laws of physics,but maybe I am missing something?

*Ironing underwater seems to go against the laws of physics,but maybe I am missing something?
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