Around a month ago I posted a piece about businesses offering chicken rentals The rentals included the coop,chickens and food and were initially meant to last over the summer months. It was an expensive way to start raising chickens but it did offer the experience to people who had never been around chickens without the commitment of becoming a full time chicken custodian. When I recently came across the Ayam Cemani aka Lamborghini of Chickens I thought back to that blog and decided that a rental chicken would be the way to go since these all black birds (including flesh and organs) sell for $2,500 per bird. At that price they wouldn't be ending up as dinner any time soon,and if the rental rate was right you could enjoy their exotic company for a few months without actually buying the bird. I didn't find any mention of what kind of eggs the birds laid,but regardless of the color of the shell I am guessing the contents would be similar to a basic egg.

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