I recently read an article on cryopreservation and was surprised by the prices. Considering that a human has yet to be reanimated maybe the prices aren't all that reasonable? The costs range from $12,000-$70,000 for neuro (head) only. My first question was what is the idea behind that? If you were never pleased with your first body maybe your head could be attached to a body more to your liking? or would just your head be reanimated and have no body? The prices for your entire body cryopreservation start around $200,000 and go up from there with various fees added on. People are signing up for life insurance policies intended for the purpose of cryopreservation,the largest company has frozen 124 people so far. It seems to me that a person would have to be really afraid of dying to sign up for this process,seriously,how would you react when you woke up say in 1,000 years in the future? You would have to start your life over and have immeasurable catching up to do with a body that had seen better days...nope,I'll take another pass.

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