I ran across one of my notes to myself about rubbing sliced potato on your underarms in place of deodorant,everything I found about this supposedly natural deodorant said after using the potato to apply your regular deodorant, so I failed to see the point of using the potato. I did find several other interesting uses for potatoes,though I think my number 1 use will remain eating them,everyone loves the versatile potato. I'm not sure how practical some of these uses are,but you can be the judge of that. Rub a potato on ski goggles or glasses to prevent fogging (seems like it would leave them smeared). As a beauty treatment rub a cut potato on your face,leave it on for a minute and rinse. To relieve tired puffy eyes place potato slices on closed eyelids. To remove berry stains from your hands rub them with a raw potato. To revive old beat up shoes that no longer shine rub with a potato then polish,they will shine like new again. Does anyone else crave potato salad?

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