In the past I have touched on how us Baby Boomers managed to live to adulthood without the laws that are in place today. I agree with some of the safety measures but others seem to stifle any chance of today's children obtaining enough life experience to become functioning adults. The following are examples of things going to far: In 2008 an Arizona couple took film in to be developed and were arrested for nude bath time pictures of their three children. The judge later ruled the photos perfectly innocent. When I was a kid my mom would send us off with lunches to play in the woods all day,now it is illegal in most states for kids to be on their own until the age of 12...I was babysitting for the neighbors 2 little girls before the age of 12. To wrap up today's post I will take you to the other extreme...yesterday a 42 year old extremely intoxicated Vermont woman was arrested for having a child drive her home,the child's age has not yet been released.

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