For some reason I have had several posts this month about dating related issues,no idea why that has happened,but let me present the latest! This dating idea has a basis in science,I'm talking about pheromone parties,the new alternative to online dating. A California woman weary of online dating came up with the idea after dating a man that was not an online match and that turned into a two year relationship. What she remembered most about him was his smell. The way the parties work is the participants bring a T-shirt they have slept in for three nights closed in a plastic bag,the bags are then numbered and coded with blue cards for males,pink cards for females. Once they find a scent they like a photographer snaps a picture of them holding the bag so the owner can step forward and meet their admirer. I don't know what the success rate is,but it makes more sense than filling out a form online...of course it also gives new meaning to the phrase "left holding the bag"!

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