Pleasant is not a word I would normally associate with the Department of Motor Vehicles,but my visit to the DMV this morning went surprisingly well. Maybe it is the anxiety of having to go there that causes things to go awry? This was the first time I've actually had to appear in person in 8 years for the routine eye check and new picture but I had been told that in an effort to prevent people from being licensed that shouldn't be licensed that it had become an even worse nightmare than any normal dealings with the DMV. I received the notice for renewal about a week ago and read it over around five times to make sure I was correctly interpreting the "State Speak" to mean what I thought it meant. I loaded up with two of everything they asked for and arrived at the office 10 minutes before they opened. I was 8th in line but one woman was just there for a form and a man stepped out of line before they opened the door,so I pulled the number 6 position once inside. I was all wrapped up and out the door by 9:20,so yes a visit to the DMV can turn into a somewhat pleasant outing! I'm still not sure why they think it is a good idea to mail the finished product instead of just handing it to you before you leave,but maybe they are trying to keep the postal service afloat...I hope they don't manage to loose the finished product!

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