Well before LOL became an internet acronym for 'laugh out loud' it stood for 'little old lady',which is how I am using it today,and no I am not the LOL in question. It is my habit to do my weekly grocery shopping on Sunday mornings,I hate shopping in the first place and I find early on Sunday to be less populated maybe because people are attending church which is why I have come to think of it as Heathen Shopping (thanks to Darlene for sharing that). As I was race walking my way through the store chore a little old lady gave me the stink eye and turned to a man pushing a shopping cart several feet behind her and said,"Harold did you see that? That woman nearly ran me down!" I turned and looked around thinking it must be someone else because I hadn't been within 10 feet of her,but nope it was me she was referring to. It was all I could do to choke down the laughter until I was out of the immediate area. In all fairness she looked to be around 90 so maybe her eyes weren't what they used to be,but she certainly took me by surprise!