In Ireland using the bathroom costs about 5 cents worth of water per flush or to calculate an approximate lifetime charge,around $11,000. The reason this interests me is that I have felt overcharged for my water/sewage bill for a long time,they have a flat rate that every household pays regardless of the amount of usage,yet they encourage people to save it just me or is that a contradiction? The plan the Irish have kicked around is using the outdoors whenever possible and when not possible bringing back the chamber pot. I am familiar with that drill as our old farm house didn't have inside plumbing until I was around nine,so at night it was the chamber pot and in the day the outhouse,unfortunately neither of these methods would work for me as I would still be stuck with the same rate,but for some reason it makes me feel better about it!

This is the type we had,just a basic design and no lid that I recall. |
Yep, We had a chamber pot too, until I was about six yrs. old. Thankfully we have our own septic system now.