Barbie made her debut in 1959 and was an instant hit but did her unrealistic proportions cause generations of young girls to be dissatisfied with their realistic bodies? Barbie can't shoulder all the blame but she may have been a contributing factor. Fast forward to 2014 when 25 year old inventor Nickolay Lamm hoped to raise enough money to market Lammily, a doll with the exact proportions of an average 19 year old woman,no huge breasts,tiny waist or feet shaped like high heel shoes. Not only did he raise the money needed he surpassed the amount and the doll is now on sale. The reality doesn't stop with a life like figure,included with Lammily is a sticker pack featuring glasses,bruises,acne and other assorted real life issues. Lamm believes that all our bodies are different and instead of striving for an idealized standard,he wants to promote the beauty of reality. His plans for the future include dolls of different ethnicities and different healthy body shapes.

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