Or it could have been a week or a month ago for that matter,time and memory are slippery entities once you pass 50,at any rate I read,heard or saw something about a magazine called "Modern Drunkard" and made a mental note to see if it actually existed,to my surprise it does! I read several of the articles on their web page and found them quite entertaining,they have a monthly article dedicated to the "Drunk of the Month" along with "You Know You're a Drunk When" and also "86 Rules for Boozing" and did I mention comics? I selected a few examples of "You Know You're a Drunk When" for you to judge for yourself:When booze does its taxes it lists you as a dependent. Bars call the bar you’re drinking in, wondering when you’re coming home. Tequila not only has your number, you’re on top of its speed dial. It takes only one person to convince you to go to party but at least four strong men to get you to leave. You open a friend’s refrigerator and are bewildered to find food where the beer should be.

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