I just wanted to finish off the year with a funny note. It all happened in Russia in 2005 so it is nearly ancient history by now,but as the story goes Robert Kraft (Patriots owner) was with a business delegation when he took out his Super Bowl ring to show to President Putin. Putin put the ring on and commented "I can kill someone with this ring",when Kraft put his hand out for the ring Putin put his hand in his pocket and his three KGB men gathered around him and walked him out. As far as I'm concerned tough luck for Kraft! Why did he bring the ring (valued at $25,000) in the first place? I really can't think of a valid reason unless he was wearing it which he wasn't. Once the story came out Putin denied knowledge of the whole incident and offered to have a custom ring made for Kraft. Kraft claimed the US asked him not make an issue of it and harm relations with Russia and to just say it was given to Putin as a gift.
Time to say Happy New Year to my readers and to hope the past year was good for you and the coming year will be even better!

Time to say Happy New Year to my readers and to hope the past year was good for you and the coming year will be even better!