Normally I would file this under another case of worthless research but since it is still the holiday season I decided it might be noteworthy,plus it is a yearly survey conducted by Dunkin' Donuts so at least it isn't tax dollars being spent. They claim the study of how you eat a gingerbread man reveals aspects of your personality. 64% of the people surveyed ate the head first meaning you're a natural leader. 20% go for the legs revealing that they are sensitive. The remaining 16% are the arm eaters,if you bite the right arm off first you're a pessimist,if you go for the left arm you're the creative type. It has been a long time since I have eaten a gingerbread man,but if memory serves I think the arms went first,but I have no idea if I favored on side over another,of course I also have memories of starting on other parts and not having a consistent starting point...I guess that means I'm schizophrenic!

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