First I want to make it clear that I do not support any sport that involves injuring animals but such sports are part of different cultures,in Hawaii it is cock fighting,in Spain bullfighting and in other countries other cruelties are inflicted as their culture allows. Yesterday's post was a demerit for a PETA action where as today's post is an atta boy for a PETA member. A 41 (she sure doesn't look 41!) year old Swedish porn star was attending a bullfight in Spain when she was overcome with emotion after witnessing the murder of an animal that clearly didn't want to die,so she climbed two barriers to get into the ring with the intention of comforting the dying bull. The matador's assistants intercepted her and dragged her out of the ring,but she is petitioning the Prime Minister of Spain in an effort to end the cruelty. The moral of the story is some PETA intentions are honorable.

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