The last month has literally had one of my cats pulling her hair out. Even though she has been treated with a topical treatment every month and doesn't go outside she still got fleas and an allergy to go with them. Since a single flea can bite 400 times a day it is easy to relate to her discomfort,but I was at a loss for what to do for her as I didn't want to OD her by doing the monthly treatment too soon. I decided to call a groomer about bathing thinking if nothing else it should sooth her skin but a date wasn't available until the end of January...back to the drawing board. Good old Petco to the rescue! They recommended Capstar tablets along with the 8 month Seresto collar and she is finally experiencing relief! Of course I will be paying the price for giving her the pill,but the lack of her affection for a few days is well worth it in the long run. Now if only I didn't jinx the success by mentioning it too soon!
Notice her glare and the bald spot! |
We've also had the worst flea year we have ever experienced. We're treating every three weeks per the vets recommendation with Frontline their beds are sprinkled with food grade Diatomaceous Earth and CedarCide spray, now add ticks to the mix. I'm thinking Petco is our next step.