I'm not sure if you tip tattoo artists,but in this case if the guy had any decency it seems like he should have. A man thought to be Asian sat for six hours getting a big tattoo of Jesus on his right upper arm chatting with the artist about his wife and family,just like one would expect of a person getting a religious tattoo. When the tattooist briefly left him he got out of the chair and stole $1,570,then sat back down to have the tattoo finished. When the tattoo was completed he paid $78 and left the shop. The theft was discovered when the owner checked the security footage to find out what had happened to the money. I have a couple of questions about this theft...where would a person hide that much money on their body where it would not be noticed? and doesn't it seem like he would be fairly easy to identify by the tattoo? Needless to say the shop has since changed security procedures.

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