Some folks refer to the forgetful,lost feeling that starts around middle age as a senior moment,or even a brain fart,but my name for this phenomena is mental pause. I had a confusing one the other day but in the end it was more funny than it was anything else. I read that Ronald Reagan's daughter Patti Davis had posed nude,only I read Patti Duke instead of Davis. The internal wheels started spinning wildly as I tried to digest Patti Duke being Reagan's had I not known this before?? I nearly had myself talked into the idea when I backtracked and checked the name, finding my error. Apparently Patti (Davis,not Duke) was somewhat of a black sheep and was into drugs and other unsavory activities in her misspent youth. At age 34 she turned her life around and started seriously taking care of her body,at age 42 she posed for Playboy,a dubious honor usually reserved for women half her age. Of course by this time her father was no longer president,so it wasn't that big of a news flash. She posed nude again for "More" magazine at age 58. She reconciled with her family before her father's death.
Reagan family portrait,Patti is far right

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