When I was researching the post on the sheep cafe,I happened upon more theme cafes in Tokyo and today I will tell you about a few. The one I found the most unusual was an owl cafe,as it turn out there are actually three bird cafes,one with birds of prey (including owls,falcons and hawks) another features parrots,parakeets,sparrows and cockatoos,and the last seemed like an odd combination to me...owls and lizards. They also have a goat cafe where you can feed the goats hay and on certain days of the week take them for walks. There is a bunny cafe where you can not only cuddle and feed the rabbits but can also purchase one for your very own. Last, and least of interest to me, is an amphibian/reptile cafe. So as you can see since the trend for animal cafes started six years ago Tokyo is way out front with both number of and variety of animal themed cafes. As one cafe owner explained it is a great way to relieve the stress of working in the concrete jungle.

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