I don't imagine any of you have been holding your breath waiting to see if I would do a post on snail poop but as it turns out it is more interesting than I had guessed. Regular snail poop a person wouldn't really notice as it is small enough that it seems like basic dirt,but then a Dutch designer stumbled onto something interesting. After observing her ravaged garden she noted the snails didn't seem to know the difference between fresh plant material and paper or cardboard so she decided to see what happened if they ate colored paper. The snails systems don't absorb the color so their poop came out the color of the paper they ate. I'm not entirely clear on how she decided that she would collect the colored snail poop and make it into flooring tiles,but that is what she did. At this point there is no practical was to collect enough to make it a viable source of flooring,but it still shows creativity from supplies at hand...or maybe that should be at foot?

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