I am a little surprised to come across something holiday appropriate as usually if I find something about Christmas I find it in the middle of the summer and don't feel like the time is right,and forget about trying to remember it months later when it is closer to the holiday. Enough babbling,on with the post! Gingerbread has been around for eons starting with the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. It made its way into Europe in the 11th century when the crusaders returned from the Middle East. Fast forward to the 16th century when Queen Elizabeth I decided to have gingerbread cookies made into the likeness of her visitors. It seems somewhat amusing to present someone with their likeness and expect them to bite their own heads off in those days when superstitions were still taken seriously,of course most likely the people who visited the Queen were much better educated than the masses. To sum up it wasn't Hansel and Gretel who introduced gingerbread men/houses,that honor would belong to Queen Elizabeth I.

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