Despite my best efforts to ignore the stupid Starbucks cup imbroglio I finally reached my saturation point. I find it hard to believe that not only were there multiple posting every few hours on Facebook,it was also picked up by the network news. I just don't understand the issue here,Starbucks is apparently too spineless or money hungry as a corporate entity to go out on a limb and add a little Christmas spirit to their coffee cups,no First Amendment rights will stand in their way of avoiding the politically correct police! What is even more unbelievable is the customers whining and crying about it...hey! I've got a great idea! If you are so damn offended by what Starbucks isn't featuring on their coffee cups go to another coffee vendor! It isn't like Starbucks is the only place selling coffee,even in the small town I live in there are more coffee joints than I can count on both hands,and that is only on the west end of town! Get over the damn cup before I totally snap. There should be way more important things to occupy your mind.


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