I finally remembered! I often think of things while I am showering and that is the end of them because by the time I'm finished the thoughts are long gone. I have wondered repeatedly how long a person spends on showering in a lifetime,today's post is an answer to that and other day to day tasks.
On average in a lifetime a person spends:
182 days and 12 hours showering.
25 years sleeping.
Women spend 17 years dieting. (remember this is average!)
1.1 years cleaning (this seems like more,at least while you are doing it.)
3.66 years eating.
92 days on the toilet.
70% of your waking life in front of digital media.
1 teaspoon of alcohol is consumed per day. (right!)
4 to 6 dreams per night for about 2,000 a year. (you forget 80%)
Swears 2,000,000 times.

On average in a lifetime a person spends:
182 days and 12 hours showering.
25 years sleeping.
Women spend 17 years dieting. (remember this is average!)
1.1 years cleaning (this seems like more,at least while you are doing it.)
3.66 years eating.
92 days on the toilet.
70% of your waking life in front of digital media.
1 teaspoon of alcohol is consumed per day. (right!)
4 to 6 dreams per night for about 2,000 a year. (you forget 80%)
Swears 2,000,000 times.