When I heard this on the radio this morning I thought to myself,"that is exactly what I've been talking about". A Seattle church and daycare center were evacuated after discovering a backpack that was emitting cough inducing fumes. After the call to 911 the emergency vehicles closed off the streets and entered the building in hazmat gear only to discover a faulty can of Axe body spray. That stuff is awful and for some reason the people who wear it seem to think that more is better making it difficult to get within ten feet of them without choking. I would rather have a chance to scent a person's natural pheromones than struggle to breath through the cloud of chemicals they have bathed in. It is even worse if you find yourself in closed quarters with someone who has recently marinated,and forget about enjoying a meal if the wait-staff over indulges their olfactory senses. End of rant!

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