I had sworn to myself that this year when the time changed I would not write about it as I have indicated my displeasure with the whole ordeal in the past...more than once if I recall correctly,but my dear little Blondie made me change my mind. You see she is an aloof creature and doesn't tolerate petting or other affection unless it is her idea. It is her habit to wrap herself around my feet in the mornings while I'm at the computer which is poor timing because I'm up and down frequently getting coffee and doing morning stuff,so after the first couple of times of disturbing her right when she gets situated perfectly she starts biting my feet if she thinks I'm getting up again. As we were going through this routine this morning it occurred to me that that is the same feeling everyone (okay,almost everyone) experiences when the time changes,just when you are comfortable with everything they change the time and there you are back to square one. I do have words of hope to offer as there has been petitions circulating to stop Daylight Savings Time. It cost more money than it saves and creates health issues as well. Car accidents and heart attacks go up the weeks the time changes. If you haven't signed a petition about this,I urge you to look into it. End of rant!

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