The Ides of March is nothing more than a day that got some bad press because it happened to be the day that Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times in an unexpected attack by his peers(it is thought that Brutus stabbed him in the groin). The meaning of Ides has been lost or forgotten over time but it was just what the 15th day of March,May,July and October was called with the other months the 13th was called the Ides. The calendar at that time was different than what is in use today. The first of the month (any month) was called Kalends ,the 7th day of March,May,July and October was known as Nones,as was the 5th day of the remaining months. The names of the rest of the days in the months were reached by counting backwards from Kalends,Nones or Ides. It was far more confusing than the calendar in use today and if I had to guess I would say it was a way to further separate the scholars from their underlings.

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