Fall can be a beautiful time of year with the abundance of colors from the changing leaves but for some folks it means work. People have decided that they know better than nature and those pesky leaves will not be left to mulch,they will be blown or raked or mowed into submission,then in most cases end up in the garbage,sometimes they are burned only rarely are they allowed to decompose and nourish the earth. Okay,end of the ecology /gardening rant,what I started out intending to write about was the invention (and patent) of leaf gathering trousers. Not only do they sound funny the diagram looks funny as well,but you have to hand it to the person since they wanted to make a better way to gather leaves without the help of a mechanical device. It wasn't mentioned in the patent information what was going to be done with the leaves once they were gathered so it pretty much leaves my whole problem with leaves sitting at square one.

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