This burglar, with low intentions, broke into a YMCA in California by dropping down the ventilation system via the ceiling. Even though it is nothing more than a rhetorical question,what kind of person would break into and steal from a charitable organization? But wait! This time justice was served even though he wasn't caught at the scene. Apparently not wanting to be detected he didn't use any lights which served him right because what he took to be a cash register was only a toy,a toy filled with play money which he made off with! Of course I'm sure some kids were disappointed by the theft but at least he didn't make a big haul.
On a totally unrelated subject I got a good laugh earlier when I read the reason why people watch shopping channels...drum roll...There are no commercials!!

On a totally unrelated subject I got a good laugh earlier when I read the reason why people watch shopping channels...drum roll...There are no commercials!!
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