Does anyone else think that society in general seems to have an obsession with feces and toilet matters in general? I've lost count over the years of how many posts have been about (for the lack of better terms) the dog poop wars. Cities and apartment complexes have gone to great lengths to enforce pet owners cleaning up after their pets which is part of pet ownership but obviously not all pet owners see it that way. Then recently there was the gender issue about public bathrooms as if worrying about pet feces had somehow seeped into the minds of non pet owners so they could become consumed by toilet issues without the benefit of having a pet. In case you hadn't guessed today's post is about a different approach to the poop problem. The city of Montreal,Canada spent part of their $540,000 cleanliness budget on a dog poop sculpture (complete with flies) which was placed on top of a bus shelter in hope of reminding people to pick up after their pets. Montreal officials said the traditional methods of addressing the poop problem just didn't seem to be working so they were trying another way of sending the message.

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