If your'e in the market for a headless robotic cat your search will be over in June of 2018. A Japanese company has developed a soft catlike cushion object that reacts to being petted by wagging its tail. The Qoobo is intended for people who can't have a real pet due to allergies,living in no pets allowed apartments,being unable to care for a live animal or elderly who are soothed by stroking a pet like object. Qoobo is expected to sell for around $100 and will have an eight hour battery life with USB rechargeable battery,it will also be available in two colors. I don't know if it's the lack of a head or what exactly but this item seems creepy to me.
/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9399361/Screen_Shot_2017_10_05_at_12.56.00_PM.png) |
They kind of look like coon skin caps!
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