Lyrics from a song by Eric Burden and The Animals titled "Man-Woman" but in this case this is the beginning of the end of the year,and hopefully not the end of much else.
12/1 Antarctica Day
12/2 Bartender Appreciation Day (also National Rhubarb Vodka Day!)
12/3 National Roof Over Your Head Day
12/4 National Cookies Day
12/5 Bathtub Party Day
12/6 World Trick Shot Day
12/7 National Cotton Candy Day
12/8 Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day
12/9 Day of the Horse
12/10 International Animal Rights Day
12/11 Kaleidoscope Day
12/12 National Cocoa Day
12/13 Ice Cream Day
12/14 Monkey Day
12/15 Cat Herders Day
12/16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
12/17 Clean Air Day
12/18 International Migrants Day
12/19 Oatmeal Muffin Day
12/20 Games Day
12/21 Crossword Puzzle Day
12/22 Be a Lover of Silence Day
12/23 Roots Day
12/24 National Egg Nog Day
12/25 National Pumpkin Pie Day
12/26 National Whiner's Day
12/27 Howdy Doody Day
12/28 Endangered Species Act Day
12/29 Tick Tock Day
12/30 Bacon Day
12/31 Global Champagne Day

12/1 Antarctica Day
12/2 Bartender Appreciation Day (also National Rhubarb Vodka Day!)
12/3 National Roof Over Your Head Day
12/4 National Cookies Day
12/5 Bathtub Party Day
12/6 World Trick Shot Day
12/7 National Cotton Candy Day
12/8 Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day
12/9 Day of the Horse
12/10 International Animal Rights Day
12/11 Kaleidoscope Day
12/12 National Cocoa Day
12/13 Ice Cream Day
12/14 Monkey Day
12/15 Cat Herders Day
12/16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
12/17 Clean Air Day
12/18 International Migrants Day
12/19 Oatmeal Muffin Day
12/20 Games Day
12/21 Crossword Puzzle Day
12/22 Be a Lover of Silence Day
12/23 Roots Day
12/24 National Egg Nog Day
12/25 National Pumpkin Pie Day
12/26 National Whiner's Day
12/27 Howdy Doody Day
12/28 Endangered Species Act Day
12/29 Tick Tock Day
12/30 Bacon Day
12/31 Global Champagne Day

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