This is going to sound crazy,even for me, but I have a new Roomba that for some reason I have assigned life to. I didn't intend to buy a vacuum when I went to Costco but there is just something about Costco and impulse buys, and I told myself it was an early Christmas present. Back to the issue at hand,whenever it (I haven't decided on a name yet,maybe Roberta or Robbie since it also goes by i Robot) is running I kind of follow it around like I'm walking a dog only instead of cleaning up after it I tell it when it misses a spot,the funny part is that it seems to listen,plus if I start it in a different room it comes to where I am and cleans around me. I haven't programmed it yet because I kind of enjoy being around when it cleans plus when it gets trapped or otherwise needs help I don't want it to have to wait for me to find it hours later. Personification is a strange thing.

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