Until today I didn't know sweat bees existed and I'm pretty happy about that though now that I know I will have to cope with that knowledge. A 28 year old woman in Taiwan was weeding her relative's graves when a gust of wind blew something into her eye. Hours later her eyes were swollen and giving her pain so she went to a hospital where the doctor looked at her eyes with a microscope and discovered what appeared to be an insect's leg. He grabbed the leg and slowly pulled out a sweat bee,then another and finally a third. The tiny bees are attracted to sweat,thus the name and also are known to drink tears. Fortunately for the woman she wore contact lenses so she was afraid to rub her eyes which may have caused the bees to release their venom which could have blinded her. If anyone is wondering the bees were still alive and were sent another organization to be studied. I may have nightmares about this.

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