Don't get me wrong,I'm all for kids eating healthier and getting more exercise but when a school is empowered to take things out of a child's lunch because of questionable nutrition,nope,that's taking it too far. I have no idea if anything like this is being done in the US but I can certainly understand this Australian mother's frustration. She had packed her son's lunch with several fruits and vegetables,protein balls and homemade sausage rolls containing mainly veggies. Apparently the school has enough time to paw through the children's lunches and decide what they can eat because they sent a note home telling the mother the sausage rolls were not a healthy choice,not to mention that they didn't allow him to eat them,so what is better having a hungry kid on their hands or a kid that ate something that didn't pass school criteria? Never mind the picky eaters out there,I guess they will have to go hungry.

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