They're back! The Floridians that is with their quirky weirdness. Three young women aroused suspicion by lying naked in the grass at a rest stop. When the police arrived to investigate the women said they had just showered and were air drying. As the officers tried to complete the questioning the women got into their car and drove away. The police followed them to a convenience store where they tried to arrest one woman who was leaving the store but the driver drove at the officer while the third woman jumped out of the car swinging a pink baseball bat. Again the threesome sped off and were eventually stopped with a spike strip. After the car crashed the women joined arms to avoid being cuffed but the officers broke the car windows and tasered them. Their charges include:fleeing to elude,resisting arrest,aggravated assault and indecent exposure. I can't wait to see what they do when the grow up since the oldest of the three was only 19.

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