I found these title twists amusing and thought I would pass them on.
"The Whistleblower in the Rye" J. D. Salinger
"Bleak White House" Charles Dickens
"Blathering Heights" Emily Bronte
"The Gropes of Wrath" John Steinbeck
"Crotch-22" Joseph Heller
"Great Again Expectations" Charles Dickens
"To Kill a Stool Pigeon" Harper Lee
"Are You There,Satan? It's Me,Donald" Judy Blume
"Crime and No Punishment" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"A Passage to Ukraine" E.M. Forster
"Pride and Racial Prejudice" Jane Austen
"A Farewell to Norms" Ernest Hemingway
"Atlas Bragged" Ayn Rand
"Lord of the Ties" William Golding

"The Whistleblower in the Rye" J. D. Salinger
"Bleak White House" Charles Dickens
"Blathering Heights" Emily Bronte
"The Gropes of Wrath" John Steinbeck
"Crotch-22" Joseph Heller
"Great Again Expectations" Charles Dickens
"To Kill a Stool Pigeon" Harper Lee
"Are You There,Satan? It's Me,Donald" Judy Blume
"Crime and No Punishment" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"A Passage to Ukraine" E.M. Forster
"Pride and Racial Prejudice" Jane Austen
"A Farewell to Norms" Ernest Hemingway
"Atlas Bragged" Ayn Rand
"Lord of the Ties" William Golding

Yup !