A 14 year old Minnesota boy is the new Guinness record holder for biggest mouth with a 3.67 inch gape. The previous record holder was a German man with a 3.46 gape. Either one of these people would be enough to make most people's jaws drop,imagine if you will being able to put a baseball,an entire apple,or the bottom of a 20 oz beverage bottle into your mouth. I'm not sure if there is any practical purpose for being able to open your mouth that wide,though it would come in handy for dental appointments and of course some of the huge sandwiches that most people have to smash down before they can attempt to take a bite. Since the new record holder is only 14 I wonder if his gape might continue to widen until he is full grown? If so he might eventually be able to fit a personal sized watermelon into his maw,of course it would need to be peeled first.

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