Coco the emotional support bunny recently made the 11 hour flight from San Francisco to Japan in first class with her owner. The eight year old rabbit even had her own seat and pillow. This was not Coco's first flight,three years ago she made the flight from Japan to California but that time she was in the hold. This time her owner was worried that Coco was too old for the stress of flying in the hold so for $100 she registered her as her support animal and was allowed to bring her into the cabin in a carrier,but since the seat next to her was empty the attendants said she could be loose. The logistics of bunnies toilet habits make it hard for me to understand how Coco's immediate area wasn't a complete mess after 11 hours since bunnies are pretty much poop and pee machines,but I didn't have to deal with it and hopefully neither did the attendants.

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