Have you ever wondered how the colors pink and blue got assigned to there respective sexes? It wasn't always pink for girls and blue for boys. In the 1900s pink was seen as the color that went better with boys and blue was the color for girls. In 1918 Ladies Home Journal wrote,"There has been a great diversity of opinion on the subject,but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy,while blue,which is more delicate and dainty,is prettier for the girl." It's also said that since pink is closer to red, it was more appropriate for boys because red is a fierce color,whereas blue was associated with girls since the Virgin Mary is customarily dressed in blue.
Somewhere over the years the two colors reversed their earlier meanings. Studies suggested women naturally liked pink better (not this woman!) and that men preferred blue. Others feel the switch came that about in the 1950s came from Nazis branding gays with pink triangles in concentration camps. If that is the case why was pink assigned to girls? Women don't mind a Nazi connotation? Personally I don't really buy into color assignments regarding the sexes.

Somewhere over the years the two colors reversed their earlier meanings. Studies suggested women naturally liked pink better (not this woman!) and that men preferred blue. Others feel the switch came that about in the 1950s came from Nazis branding gays with pink triangles in concentration camps. If that is the case why was pink assigned to girls? Women don't mind a Nazi connotation? Personally I don't really buy into color assignments regarding the sexes.
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