I am not sure what got me thinking about redheads I have known,but there I was thinking about how few I had known that were really born with red hair. One was a cousin,one a girl I went to school with and the little boy next door. The following explains why there are so few to be known.
The highest concentration of redheads (the rarest hair color) is in Northern Europe,with Scotland having the highest percentage at 13% and Ireland second at 10%. Only 2% of people in the USA have naturally red hair. Biologists think that the geographic location of redheads has to do with evolutionary adaptation,the fair coloring allowing more light to be absorbed in areas with greater hours of darkness. The mutated gene that causes red hair is recessive,so in order for someone to have red hair they have to inherit two copies of the gene,one from each parent.
The very gene that gives redheads their hair color and fair skin also affects the way they feel pain. Redheads are more sensitive to the cold than blonds or brunettes,they are also more likely to have sclerosis and endometriosis and toothaches at a higher rate. They feel pain about 20% more and it takes more anesthetics to put them under for surgery or dental work.

The highest concentration of redheads (the rarest hair color) is in Northern Europe,with Scotland having the highest percentage at 13% and Ireland second at 10%. Only 2% of people in the USA have naturally red hair. Biologists think that the geographic location of redheads has to do with evolutionary adaptation,the fair coloring allowing more light to be absorbed in areas with greater hours of darkness. The mutated gene that causes red hair is recessive,so in order for someone to have red hair they have to inherit two copies of the gene,one from each parent.
The very gene that gives redheads their hair color and fair skin also affects the way they feel pain. Redheads are more sensitive to the cold than blonds or brunettes,they are also more likely to have sclerosis and endometriosis and toothaches at a higher rate. They feel pain about 20% more and it takes more anesthetics to put them under for surgery or dental work.
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