This is one of my accidental blogs where I was looking for one thing,but ended up finding something else. I haven't tried any of these uses,so use you own judgement.
Revive a dead car battery by dropping two aspirin tablets into the battery. The acetylsalisylic acid combines with the sulfuric acid to produce one last charge. Make sure there is no salt on your hands as that combination could cause an explosion.
Remove perspiration stains by crushing two aspirin into a fine powder and mixing with half cup of warm water. Soak the stain for two hours. (I think white vinegar is an easier solution for this problem.)
Restore hair color by dissolving 6-8 aspirin in a glass of warm water and rubbing solution into your hair. Let stand 10-15 minutes. I am not sure if this one means natural hair color or dyed hair color though I am guessing it must be dyed hair.
Control dandruff by crushing two aspirin and adding it to the amount of shampoo you use to wash your hair. Leave in for two minutes,rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.
Help cut flowers or Christmas trees last longer by adding two aspirin to the water.
Aspirin can also work for wart removal as it has the same active ingredient. Apply damp aspirin to wart and cover with bandage.

Revive a dead car battery by dropping two aspirin tablets into the battery. The acetylsalisylic acid combines with the sulfuric acid to produce one last charge. Make sure there is no salt on your hands as that combination could cause an explosion.
Remove perspiration stains by crushing two aspirin into a fine powder and mixing with half cup of warm water. Soak the stain for two hours. (I think white vinegar is an easier solution for this problem.)
Restore hair color by dissolving 6-8 aspirin in a glass of warm water and rubbing solution into your hair. Let stand 10-15 minutes. I am not sure if this one means natural hair color or dyed hair color though I am guessing it must be dyed hair.
Control dandruff by crushing two aspirin and adding it to the amount of shampoo you use to wash your hair. Leave in for two minutes,rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.
Help cut flowers or Christmas trees last longer by adding two aspirin to the water.
Aspirin can also work for wart removal as it has the same active ingredient. Apply damp aspirin to wart and cover with bandage.
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