The other day I heard that more men were struck by lightning than women. I started turning this over in my mind and thinking of reasons that would be true...maybe because men are generally taller? or maybe they had more of some mineral or chemical in their bodies?
Nope,neither of those,even knowing the answer doesn't make it seem likely.
82% of the 648 people killed in the U.S. between 1995 -2008 were men. The reason given (drum roll please) are less willing to quit what they're doing because of the weather,they make themselves more vulnerable by continuing to fish,camp, and golf. Recreational and sports related activities are involved in about half of all lightning related deaths. A psychologist claimed men are hard wired to exhibit bold behaviour to attract a watching someone getting fried by lightning is attractive escapes this female.

Nope,neither of those,even knowing the answer doesn't make it seem likely.
82% of the 648 people killed in the U.S. between 1995 -2008 were men. The reason given (drum roll please) are less willing to quit what they're doing because of the weather,they make themselves more vulnerable by continuing to fish,camp, and golf. Recreational and sports related activities are involved in about half of all lightning related deaths. A psychologist claimed men are hard wired to exhibit bold behaviour to attract a watching someone getting fried by lightning is attractive escapes this female.
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