I was wondering earlier what a typo was called before the days of type...in case anyone else was wondering it was not a writo,which was my guess. It was called a copyist's mistake or scribal error. I kind of like writo better but I've been known to march to a different drummer.
The real subject for today is Duck Tape aka Duct tape. I had always thought the name was Duct tape but that is only one of its many uses and not the name of the product. In World War II there was a need for a strong,flexible,durable,waterproof tape. The original purpose of the tape was to keep ammunition dry,but it quickly became an all purpose fix all and earned the nickname 100 mile an hour tape. The name Duck came from either the way it repelled water (like off a duck's back) or from the cotton duck fabric incorporated into the tape. The first color developed was olive drab though today it is offered in a vast variety of colors and designs including glow in the dark!

The real subject for today is Duck Tape aka Duct tape. I had always thought the name was Duct tape but that is only one of its many uses and not the name of the product. In World War II there was a need for a strong,flexible,durable,waterproof tape. The original purpose of the tape was to keep ammunition dry,but it quickly became an all purpose fix all and earned the nickname 100 mile an hour tape. The name Duck came from either the way it repelled water (like off a duck's back) or from the cotton duck fabric incorporated into the tape. The first color developed was olive drab though today it is offered in a vast variety of colors and designs including glow in the dark!
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