Forgive me for the terrible pun,but I couldn't help myself. Some of you may recall awhile back I posted a blog about a woman (Elaine Davidson) being the most pierced person in the world (7,000 at last count...don't ask me how or where they all fit). Today's blog is about the most pierced man,Rolf Buchholz of Germany. He has a total of 453 studs and rings all over his body. Rolf is a 52 year old computer expert who fell in love with piercing around 13 years ago. He has 94 in and around his lips,25 in his eyebrows,8 in his nose and 278 in his genital area,and naturally to complete the ensemble he sports a full body suit of tattoos. I am a big fan of live and let live,but I can't help but wonder how a person would wash themselves and get clean around all that metal unless they were to take it all out every time and that doesn't seem like it would be practical. Does anyone know the mechanics of that?

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